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Pastoral Planning in Amsterdam

Moving forward with pastoral planning in Amsterdam, effective September 1, Bishop Edward Scharfenberger has appointed Father Robert DeMartinis as Pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. Father Bob will remain as Pastor of St. Stanislaus Church as well.

Father Jeffrey L’Arche will continue as Pastor of St. Mary’s Church and has been been given the additional responsibility of Pastor of St. Stephen’s Church in Hagaman.

These new assignments and the changes that result, will require prayer and patience from all of us as we move forward with the changes in our worship schedules. Beginning the weekend of September 5th and 6th, St. Stanislaus Mass schedule will be a 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass and a 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday. For Our Lady of Mt. Carmel the schedule will be a 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass and a 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday. This schedule will allow Father Bob to celebrate Masses at both parishes.

The Mass schedule for St. Mary’s and St. Stephen’s is yet to be determined.

Let us leave church today with a thankful and joyous heart. God has provided for us and with our prayers and actions we will continue to build God’s church in the Amsterdam faith community. Take with you the words of St. Padre Pio: “Live tranquilly. Remove from your imagination that which upsets you, and often say to the Lord, ‘Oh, God, you are my God and I will trust in you. You will assist me and be my refuge, and I will fear nothing…’” God Bless You.

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Church of St. Stanislaus
Saint John Paul II Parish Center

46 Cornell Street
Amsterdam, NY  12010


Saint John Paul II Parish Center (518) 842-2771

Rectory (518) 842-2771

Center for Learning and the Arts (518) 842-6710

Cemetery (518) 842-2771




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